2024 - 2025 3rd - 5th Grade Schedule

2024 - 2025 3rd – 5th Class Descriptions
IEW LEVEL A 4th-5th
Teacher: Shannon Singler
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 4th-5th (strong 3rd graders can be enrolled with approval of elementary coordinator and teacher)
Class Fee: $5 per semester
Maximum number of students: 12
Minimum number of students: 4
Class Description: Parent involvement is necessary for this class! This is an introductory course to the IEW writing program. Through guided lessons, we will learn how to write with structure and style. My goal for this class is for students to see that writing can be easy and enjoyable.
**There are a few things to note regarding this class:**
1) Students must be able to read the IEW source texts fairly well (not perfectly). Refer to pages 14 and 16 of the following link for sample source
texts: https://iew.com/sites/default/files/paperbasedcourse/fileattachment/FMF-S_Sample.pdf
2) Students must also be able to write in complete sentences before taking this class.
3) Writing assignments will be completed at home. Students should expect about an hour of homework each week.
4) Students will need to purchase a copy of "Adventures in Writing" before our first
class. https://iew.com/adventures-in-writing-student-book-only
5) Parents will receive a class supplies list before class begins.
Required materials: IEW coursebook "Adventures in Writing"
Teacher: Christin Matthews
Grade level: 3-5 grade
Class fee: $12
Maximum number of students: 10
Minimum number of students: 4
Objectives of the class: Students will learn various techniques for math problem solving and develop strategies for puzzle and game playing. Students will practice collaborating with others, building projects. Students will become familiar with the scientific method in conducting of experiments to predict and observe outcomes.
Description of the general class format: Most of the work in class will be done as a group.
Regular classes will include a science experiment and a detailed math word problem. Periodically, we will have strategy game days and group project building days.
Textbook/workbook information: None is needed
Description of enrichment or homework activities: None
Teacher: Dana Boone
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: This class is designed for 3rd-5th grade students.
Class fee: $12.00 per semester
Maximum number of students in the class: 12
Minimum number of students in the class: 4
Objectives of this class:
1. To inspire students to seek to do great things.
2. To learn more about the lives of great American historical figures.
3. To develop a love for learning.
Description of the general class format: Class time will be focused around discussion, learning games, short videos, and crafts. We will
focus on one hero per class session.
Textbook/workbook information: There are no textbooks or workbooks to purchase for this class.
Other important information:
1. American Heroes is a supplementary class to help students begin to have a basic foundation
of America’s history and those who have impacted our nation.
2. A variety of resources will be used as the class studies celebrated, as well as, less
distinguished persons from America’s past. Discussions will include each hero’s successes and
triumphs, as well as, trials faced along the way.
Description of homework activities: There will be no assigned homework.
Mind, Body, Motor 1st – 2nd and 3rd – 5th
Teacher: Becky Dykes
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 1st – 2nd and 3rd - 5th
Class Fee: $5 for each student per semester
Maximum number of students in the class: 20
Minimum number of students for the class to make: 4 
Objectives of this class: We will be using exercises to improve motor skills that were developed and have been proven to help children with their cognitive development. 
Description of the general class format: In this class, we will work on different areas of development. Such as – Brain Gym games and exercises, body awareness, and basic fine and gross motor skills. We will have competitions and work on developing a healthy competitive spirit. Class participation is absolutely required. 
Description of enrichment or homework activities: None 
Textbook/workbook information: None 
Other Important Information: Class participation is absolutely required.
Teacher: Selene Montejano
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class- 3rd-5th grade. Students must be able to read and write
Class Fee: $10 per semester
Maximum number of students: 10
Minimum number of students: 2
Class Description: This course will serve as a beginner course to conversational Spanish. Some prior knowledge of Spanish would be very helpful in this class, but not a requirement.
Description of the general class: Each class will include some conversation time followed by fun hands-on activities and games that teach new vocabulary. Each week, we will review previous vocabulary terms, then add new ones and practice them through conversation. The class will teach students to recognize common Spanish expressions, greetings and simple conversational words and how to respond appropriately in Spanish. There will be very little written work and an occasional craft project when it applies to that week’s vocabulary. Spanish grammar will not be taught.
Description of enrichment or homework activities: No written homework will be assigned. However,
students are strongly encouraged to practice their vocabulary each week.
APOLOGIA Earth Science 3rd-5th
Teacher: Shazia Lackey
Class fee: $20 per semester
Suitable age, ability, or skill level needed for this class: 3rd-5th Grade
Maximum number of students: 12
Class Description:
This is an elementary-level Earth Science course that will help students learn about our home planet - and how we're loved by a God who created everything to work together to make life possible. Students will study clouds, dirt, the atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and other topics including why our planet is the only known planet with life! This engaging course will help science become a means for your child to discover their earth, world, and home.
Required textbooks: Exploring Creation with Earth Science by Rachael Yunis
Needed supplies for class: Pencil bag/box with pencil, scissors, crayons, and glue stick
Class format: Students (or their parents) will have already read the lesson material at home. In class, we will discuss the material while we utilize hands-on activities to further understand the material.
Homework activities: Doing the assigned reading at home will ensure adequate understanding for your student to participate in class. Assignments will not be graded, but they will enrich your student’s learning potential for this course.
Teacher: Lisa Rawls
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 3rd-5th
Class Fee: $25 per semester
Maximum number of students: 10
Minimum number of students: 4
Objectives of this class: Objectives of this class: A Charlotte Mason-inspired approach to God’s creation, we will cover 3 broad topics per year and work on a rotation to repeat each topic every 5 years. If a student has taken Nature Study for 5 years they do not need to continue in the study.
Topics for the upcoming year are as follows:
-Mushrooms/Fungi (a short section)
-Cultivated Crops (students will choose to do a presentation on mushrooms OR crops, they won't have to do both)
-Weather and Climate
The class time will consist of a lecture portion that includes reading from various books on the topic and may also include videos, hands-on activities that assist in learning and observing the chosen subject, some nature journaling, and presentations that are given by the students at the end of each term/topic. Terms are roughly 8 weeks each. There is no regular homework except for preparing their 3 presentations per school year.
GRAMMAR Enrichment
Teacher: Elizabeth Fehrman
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 3rd-5th
Class Fee: $15
Maximum number of students: 8
Minimum number of students: 4
Class Description: Our goal is to learn and review the eight parts of speech by focusing on one part of speech each month through songs/chants and games. Using Charlotte Mason philosophies students will also be exposed to poetry, copy work, Scripture/music/hymns/composers, and Art Appreciation. Parents will be given the learning focus and memory work each month. Optional homework will be to review the memory work we are working on in class. In order to participate without feeling frustrated, students need to be reading and writing fairly well. It is my hope that students enjoy their class time and learn to appreciate the role grammar plays in God's world.
DRAMA FUN 3rd-5th
Teacher: Rebecca Leech
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 3rd-5th grade. Minimal reading adjusted to student age level; must be able to follow instructions and have fun
Class fee: $15 per semester
Maximum number of students: 10
Minimum number of students: 4
Objectives of this class: To give children an outlet for their God given creative abilities. Explore stories, especially from a Godly view. Learn some basic theater terms, work on skills that will benefit future thespians, dictation, projection, and facial expressions.
Description of the general class: We will use the following techniques to explore and have fun:
• Narrative Pantomime stories: A technique in which the teacher or leader tells a story and each student, usually working independently, “acts out” the story
• Physical and Pantomime Activities: These activities all teach physical control and pantomime communication.
• Improvisation Activities: Virtually all creative drama involves improvisation, but these plans focus in part on building improvisation skills.
• Role drama Activities: These lessons use the technique known as role drama, in which students are in role and must make choices and relate to each other in a role.
Description of enrichment or homework activities: No written homework will be assigned.
Teacher: TBD
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: grades 3rd-5th
Class Fee: $35 per semester
Maximum number of students in the class: 10
Minimum number: 4
**If you have taken Art for 2 years now, please do not sign up for the class. This class is on a 2-year rotation of 3rd – 5th to ensure everyone has a chance to take the Art classes. If you attempt to enroll for a 3rd year, you will be removed and asked to select a different class.
Objectives of this class: Our focus in Art class is learning to enjoy, appreciate and create art. We look at different styles, cultures, and periods of art, as well as create our own.  Your child will learn to manipulate a variety of media with increasing sophistication as his/her fine motor skills develop throughout the year.
Students incorporate and express their ideas in Art using a basic “language” known as the Art Elements. These Elements include Space, Shape, Texture, Line, Form, Value, and Color.
Description of the general class format: Art Exploration-Imagination (1) and Art Exploration- Inspiration (2), these classes will be part of a 2-year curriculum. One class need not be taken before the other. The class will be structured with 10 minutes of information/history about an artist followed by about 30 minutes of students’ hands-on creativity.
Description of enrichment or homework activities: No written homework will be assigned. Most work will be done during class time. There may be occasions where students are asked to focus on an area of expertise to be ready for the next class. Students will be encouraged to participate in local competitions/art shows if the opportunities arise. Students will create and choose at least one piece of their artwork to display at the end of the year, Awards Ceremony. 
Textbook/workbook information: Projects are taken from various textbooks, art websites, DVD art lesson tutorials.
Other Important Information: Students will be using different mediums as they explore the various techniques. It may be advisable to have a smock or t-shirt to protect clothing.
Teacher: Lisa Hasz
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 3-5th grade students who are capable of running and playing sports
Class fee: $15 per semester
Maximum number of students in this class: 16
Minimum number of students for the class: 6
Objective of the class: Learn the basic rules and improve skills needed for various sports
Description of the class: This course will focus on a variety of sports from soccer, kickball, volleyball, basketball, tennis, running, etc…. As a class, we will work on coordination, good sportsmanship, and having fun learning the rules to playing different sports.
At times, we will focus on drills in order to improve skills needed to play the various sports.
Other important information: tennis shoes are required. Class participation is mandatory even if the student is not excited about a certain sport.
Cooking 101 3rd-5th
Teacher: Katelyn Becze
Grades: 3rd – 5th
Class Fee: $20 per semester
Maximum numbers of students: 10
Minimum numbers of students: 4
Class Description: The 3-5th grade intro to cooking will be a fun class for kids to learn the basics.  We will be learning the importance of kitchen safety and hygiene, cooking lingo, healthy choices for food, how to read a label and recipe, manners for eating, and how to set a table.  It will be a fun class to learn the essentials needed in the kitchen.
Other important information: Parents must let the teacher know of any allergies before registration can be confirmed. (Includes but not limited to dairy, egg, nut, soy, and gluten allergies)
Parents are expected to work with the teacher to help accommodate child’s allergies by helping with the additional costs to substitute allergen foods.
STEM 3rd – 5th
Teacher: Melissa Flens
Grades: 3rd – 5th
Students should be able to exhibit critical thinking and a can-do attitude.
Class Fee: $20 per semester
Maximum number of students in the class: 8
Minimum number of students in the class: 4
Objectives of this class: In STEM class we will focus on using science, technology, and
creativity to solve real-world problems.
Class format: Students will explore scientific ideas using fun hands-on projects and problem-
solving opportunities. Students will work as teams to brainstorm, design, build, troubleshoot,
and present their solutions to the class. They will build in every class and learn how to safely use a
variety of hand tools and equipment. There is no textbook or outside homework in this course.
Teacher: Amanda Addison
Grades: 4th and 5th
Students must be able to read
Class Fee: $25
Maximum number of students: 12
Minimum number of students: 4
Class Description: The Tuttle Twins is a set of 12 books written to help children develop critical thinking skills about real-world concepts. These books help make sure your children have a solid foundation of freedom – to understand the ideas of a free society that socialists are trying hard to undermine.
In this course, the lead teacher will focus on 6 books per semester, covering all 12 books by the end of the year. Some concepts covered are as followed: the law, free markets, money, the Golden Rule, protectionism, personal responsibility, entrepreneurship, and how Truth overpowers fear.
All materials and books will be provided.
This course is offered on rotation every other year to allow all students the opportunity to take the class.
Other important information: Please notify the teacher of any food allergies.
Teacher: Becky Dykes
Cost: $15
Maximum number of students: 12
Minimum number of students: 4
Class Description: In Girls Literature Club, we will enjoy and have fun with quality literature, growing and nurturing a love of reading. We will read The Hundred Dresses, Sarah, Plain and Tall, and The Secret Garden. In each class, we will read out loud together and discuss a set number of chapters and then have a fun activity to go along with it. Reading at home is not required and there will not be any homework.
Other important information: Please notify the teacher of any food allergies
Teacher: Jennifer Platt
Cost: $25
Maximum number of students: 10
Description: A joyful class for young girls to grow in creativity, friendship, and faith, engaging with the inspiring stories of women in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus, all through exciting crafts and enriching activities.
BOYS CLUB 3rd-5th
Teacher: TBD
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 3rd-5th grade 
Class Fee: $15 per semester
Maximum number of students: 12
Minimum number of students: 4
Class Description:  To foster friendships and promote good sportsmanship among other boys with a chance for fellowship while having fun.   *Must inform the teacher of any food allergies
Teacher: Jason Moore
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 1st – 5th. students need to be able to listen to instruction and have a significant interest in chess and other strategic board games.
Class Fee: $10 per semester
Maximum number of students: 18
Minimum number of students: 4
Objectives for this class: Students will learn strategic games such as checkers, chess, risk, ticket to ride, etc.
Description of the general class: Students will learn decision making skills and improve their problem-solving abilities through board games. By playing strategy games such as chess, students will improve their memory, use creativity, improve their concentration, build resilience, learn patience, and learn good sportsmanship.
Teacher: Tiffany Laine
Grades: 3rd-5th
Class Fee: $10 per semester
Maximum number of students: 10
Minimum number of students: 4
Objectives of this class: In this class, students will learn to cultivate biblical friendships with their peers. We will utilize studies from Not Consumed as we learn to navigate friendships, learn about servanthood, and explore more about God’s love and character. This will be a fun and engaging class!
Homework: Students will be encouraged to recite memorized verses or poetry.
Required Materials: None