2024 - 2025 Junior High Schedule

Junior High Class Descriptions
6th Grade – IEW Ancient History
Teacher: Summer Emerson
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 6th-grade students who have completed at least 5th-grade level English instruction.
Class fee: $15
Maximum number of students in the class: 10
Minimum number of students in the class: 3
Class Objectives: Teaching students to outline and summarize specific readings and then outline and write their own papers. This is a basic level of the Institute for Excellence in Writing Curriculum.
Class Format: Lessons will be presented in class and homework assigned from the IEW student workbook.
Description of homework Activities: There will be writing homework to be completed each week. Parental involvement at home is extremely important for success in IEW. Helping your child to stay organized, brainstorm ideas, and edit papers will play a huge role in your student’s success.
Textbook Information: IEW Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons Student Book is required. Students will be responsible for bringing their IEW book, journal, and writing utensils to class each week.
7th Grade - IEW Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons
Teacher: Paula Cote
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 7th-grade students who have completed at least6th-grade level English instruction.
Class fee: $15 per school year
Maximum number of students in the class: 10
Minimum number of students in the class: 3
Class Objectives: To prepare students with writing skills by modeling and practicing structural guidelines and specific stylistic requirements that develop competency, independence, and as a result, creativity in their written work.
Class Format: Each class period will be spent modeling writing structures, brainstorming ideas together, and learning new stylistic techniques.
Description of homework activities: There will be writing homework to be completed each week.Estimated homework time 45 minutes, 4 days a week. Work will be turned in online through Google Classroom. All assignments will be given, graded, returned, and edited through Google Classroom.
Parent Role: Although I will be modeling and leading the students each week during our CG time, it is vital that a parent is involved with this writing class. Parents play a huge role at home by helping their child to stay organized, brainstorming and discussing ideas, editing papers, and serving as an audience when their child reads their compositions. Some students may take to working independently very quickly and others may need you to stay beside them through much of the year.
Textbook Information: IEW Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons Student Book is required. ($35)
Additional supplies: small binder with loose leaf paper, writing utensils, access to Google Classroom (at home).
Students will be responsible for bringing their IEW book to class each week.
8th Grade IEW
U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons
Teacher: TBA
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 8th-grade students who have completed at least 7th-grade level English instruction.
Class fee: $15 per school year
Maximum number of students in the class: 10
Minimum number of students in the class: 3
Class Objectives: To prepare students with writing skills by modeling and practicing structural guidelines and specific stylistic requirements that develop competency, independence, and as a result, creativity in their written work.
Class Format: Each class period will be spent modeling writing structures, brainstorming ideas together, and learning new stylistic techniques.
Description of homework activities: There will be writing homework to be completed each week.
Estimated homework time 45 minutes, 4 days a week.
Parent Role: Although I will be modeling and leading the students each week during our CG time, it is vital that a parent is involved with this writing class. Parents play a huge role at home by helping their child to stay organized, brainstorming and discussing ideas, editing papers, and serving as an audience when their child reads their compositions. Some students may take to working independently very quickly and others may need you to stay beside them through much of the year.
Textbook Information: IEW U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons Student Book is required. ($35)
Additional supplies: small binder with loose leaf paper, writing utensils.
Students will be responsible for bringing their IEW book to class each week.
JH Literature
Teacher: Karen Graves
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 6 th , 7 th , and 8 the grade students. This class will entail a lot of reading.
Class fee: $15.00/semester
Maximum number of students in the class: 12
Minimum number of students in the class: 4
Objectives of this class: This is a fun class that works to foster a deeper understanding of literature as well as a love for reading.
Description of the general class format: We will analyze and discuss the author, setting, and any background information for each book written for middle school ages. Students will learn literary terms and how to recognize them in the literature they are reading.
Description of homework: Students will have reading assignments and vocabulary to complete at home. Comprehension questions or worksheets will also be sent home to complete so they will be prepared for an in class discussion. Note taking and journaling will be introduced as well as tests sent home for several of the books. The resources that will be used are Progeny Press, Teacher Resources, and Teachers Pay teachers.
Book List:
Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry
The Big Wave by Pearl S. Buck
The Tiger Rising by Kate DiCamillo
Dangerous Journey: The Story of Pilgrim's Progress by Oliver Hunkin
Trial by Poison; Mary Slessor by Dave and Neta Jackson
Mary Jones and her Bible by Mary Ropes
Titus: Comrade of the Cross by Florence Kingsley
Sing Down the Moon by Scott O'Dell
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
The Pinballs by Betsy Byars
Call It Courage by Armstrong Sperry
Zoology – Double Science
Apologia Zoology 2&3 will be offered for 2024-2025 school yr. Zoology 2 and 3 is on a 2 yr rotation with Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics.. These two classes on rotation are recommended for 6th and 7th graders.
Teacher: Carol Rowell
Class Fee: $15
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level: 6th-7th grade
Objectives for this class: We will be learning about God’s creation by studying through Apologia’s Swimming Creatures and Land Animals
Description of the general class format: We will do weekly activities to reinforce the information presented in the textbook.
Description of enrichment or homework activities: Reading lessons and/or questions from the text will be assigned each week. It is important to complete these assignments at home, so students will be able to participate in class discussions and understand the experiments/activities. Expect approximately 2-3 hrs of homework per week
Textbook Information: Apologia Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures and Exploring Creation with Zoology 3: Land Animals
General Science
General Science is offered every year at CG. It is recommended to take Pre Algebra concurrently with General Science.
Teacher: Allison King
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 7- 8th grade
Class Fee: $15.00
Maximum number of students in the class: 12
Minimum number of students for the class to make: 3
Objectives of this class: We will learn the history of science, implementation of the scientific method, and a broad sweeping overview of several science disciplines. These include Earth Science, Life Science, General Chemistry/Physics and Environmental Science, we will look at how God's glory is shown throughout it all.
Description of the general class format: Class time will be devoted to presenting concepts and completing experiments for each module.
Description of enrichment or homework activities: This is a full science curriculum. Weekly reading assignments and homework will be required. Each module will be covered over approximately 2 weeks. On Your Own questions, lab reports, study guides, and tests are due for each Module. Expect four hours of homework per week. Homework will be checked for completion each week. Lab Reports and Tests will be graded for content.
Textbook/workbook information: Apologia General Science 3rd edition. Both the student textbook and the Solutions and Tests Manual are required. A homework folder will be provided.
Earth Science
Teacher: Shazia Lackey
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class:: 8th/9th grade
Cost: $25 per student per semester
Maximum number of Students: 10
Skills Needed: This course is designed to be the last science course the student takes before high school biology. It is recommended for 8th or 9th grade students who have completed General Science and Pre-Algebra. Students should display a maturity level appropriate for high school level work and be able to keep up with the workload.
Class Description: This physical science course explores the design and complexity of the Earth, leading students to discover truths about its design and the One who designed it. We will begin with the basic concepts necessary to study Earth Science, including a brief look at chemistry, the metric system, temperature, volume, density, and concentration. Once students understand this foundational information, they will thoroughly learn about the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. This course dives deep into these topics.
Class Format: Class time is devoted to reviewing key concepts, and discussing, performing, and recording experiments.
Homework: Students are provided a syllabus that includes the required at home reading and what assignments are due and when at CG. Assignments for each module include Comprehension Questions, Lab Reports, Chapter Reviews, and Tests. Pop quizzes and projects may also be incorporated into the class. We cover each chapter over 2 weeks. The required time is approximately 1 hour per day at home. Tests will be administered at home by the parent and turned in at CG for grading.
Required Textbooks: Discovering Design with Earth Science Set from bereanbuilders.com (They will need both the textbook and test booklet)
Discovering Design with Earth Science Set – Berean Builders
Additional Supplies: safety glasses/goggles, scientific calculator, 1” binder, package of 5 dividers (A folder to turn in homework will be provided)
***Note: There is an audiobook version of the textbook available. There are also recorded classes for each chapter on the Berean Builders website that are available as an extra resource if you feel your child may need more help with the material.
JH Nature Study
Teacher: Lisa Rawls
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 6th-8th grade
Class Fee: $25 per semester
Maximum number of students: 8
Minimum number of students: 3
Objectives of this class: A Charlotte Mason-inspired approach to God’s creation, we will cover 3 broad topics per year and work on a rotation to repeat each topic every 5 years. If a student has taken Nature Study for 5 years they do not need to continue in the study.
Topics for the upcoming year are as follows:
-Mushrooms/Fungi (a short term)
-Cultivated Crops (after this term, students will choose to do a presentation on mushrooms OR crops, they won't have to do both)
-Weather and Climate
Class Format: The class time will consist of a lecture portion that includes reading from various books on the topic and may also include videos, as well as hands-on activities that assist in learning and observing the chosen subject. Nature journaling will be part of the study and will be done as homework and reviewed at the beginning of class each week. A presentation will be given to the class by each student at the end of each term/topic, so there are 3 presentations per year. Students will choose a subject within the scope of the nature topic to research and share with the class (for example, for the Insect term, a student might choose to do their presentation on bees). Terms are roughly 8 weeks each (we will combine the first two topics into one term for this year).
Teacher: TBA
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 6th-8th grade
Class Fee: $30
Maximum number of students in the class: 10
Minimum number of students for the class to make: 3
Objectives of this class: A supplemental science class, students will work together to define problems and design solutions while learning science, technology, engineering, and math concepts. STEM lessons immerse students in hands-on inquiry and open-ended exploration.
Description of the general class format: Each week a new project or challenge will be presented. Students will work together and find best solutions with available resources in hands-on projects.
Description of enrichment or homework activities: No homework. Students may be asked to collect and bring common household items (ie toilet paper rolls, straws ect.)
Textbook/workbook information: No textbook. Any necessary materials will be provided by the teacher
Math Masters
Teacher: TBA
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 6th-7th grade
Class Fee: $10.00
Maximum number of students in the class: 12
Minimum number of students for the class to make: 3
Objectives of the class: Students will improve speed, accuracy, and confidence in math, and improve math skills through games in a laidback, fun environment.
Description of the general class format: Weekly multiplication and division speed drills, practice with memory work, mental math drills, and real-world math scenarios (Ex: Which discount is better? Who made the most money?); learning through games like Bingo, Even Steven’s Odd, and other math games from The Critical Thinking Co.; memorization of 10 math facts or rules per week pertaining to times tables, squares/square roots/cubes, divisibility rules, fractions and decimals, time/weight/capacity measures, etc. We will also work on integers, PEMDAS, equations, etc.-facts that will be helpful as students move on to pre-algebra and algebra.
Teacher: TBA
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: The student needs to have a solid background in mathematics. The student should solidly have multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction facts in place. The student needs to have a good understanding of fractions, decimals, percents, and other basic concepts of math.
Class prerequisite: Students must take a Cottage Garden math placement test to determine readiness. These are available from the Jr. high coordinator.
Class fee: $15
Maximum number of students in this class: 12
Minimum number of students: 2
Objectives of this class: To equip the student with the ability to solve algebraic equations and to prepare for higher math, such as Algebra I.
Description of the general class format: Concepts for the week will be introduced to the students. Students will be expected to fill in notes from the notebook during class. Students will be allowed to practice-related problems and demonstrate to the teacher that they have understanding.
Description of homework activities: Students will have daily homework assignments that must be completed. Expect about 1 hour of homework each day, 4 days a week.
Required Textbook/supplies:
1. Math-U-See Pre-Algebra Student Pack
2. 1.5” - 2” binder with paper to keep notes and copies organized
3. pencils
Other important information: Students will be expected to complete all assigned homework, grade assignments, re-work any problems that were missed, and study for exams. Homework assignments will be due before 9:00 a.m. each class day and graded each week. In addition, there will be exams, which will be completed at home under supervision.
Teacher: TBA
Class Fee: $15
Maximum number of students in the class: 12
Minimum number of students for the class to make: 3
Objectives of the Class: Fall semester students will learn about branches of government, what is an election, political parties, how elections are held and more. Spring semester students will work through Money Matters for Teens Workbook. Drawing from biblical principles, young people will understand how to make the best use of their money. Managing bank accounts will be covered; as well as planning for future purchases; when to borrow and when to give. The workbook includes samples of account registers, checks, and budgets.
General Class Format: Class time will be used for presentation of concepts and and written activities to reinforce them.
Homework Activities: Occasional work not finished in class will be sent home for homework. Expect 1hr or less per week.
Required Materials: Worksheets and assignments for Elections will be provided by the teacher in the fall. Money Matters Workbook for Teens--Ages 11 to 14 By: Larry Burkett, Todd Temple will be required for the spring semester.
Conversational Spanish JH
Teacher: Selene Montejano
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 6th-7th
grade (best if taken the year before JH Spanish)
Class Fee: $15
Maximum number of students in the class: 12
Minimum number of students for the class to make: 3
Objectives of this class: To make learning Spanish easy and fun! No
previous exposure is required. This is an introductory class where students
will learn letter sounds and sentence formation. They will also learn basic
Spanish vocabulary necessary for everyday conversations. They will learn
how to ask and answer questions in Spanish and make small talk all while
learning through play. They will also get a bit of culture through literature
and projects.
Description of the general class format: Students will partake in fun
group activities as well as Reader’s Theater in Spanish. We will not be
performing for an audience, just during class. Students will play familiar
games like Guess Who and I Spy all while learning Spanish.
Description of enrichment or homework activities: Students will
have no homework assignments for the most part, occasionally taking home
a fun worksheet.
Textbook/workbook information: No textbook or workbook is
required for this class.
Note: This class helps prepare students for JH Spanish course.
JH Spanish
Teacher: Nafisa McGarrahan
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 7th or 8th grade (best if taken the year before Spanish I)
Class Fee: $10
Maximum number of students in the class: 12
Minimum number of students for the class to make: 3
Objectives of this class: Students will learn basic Spanish vocabulary, grammar, and verb conjugations. Students will practice both written and oral Spanish. This class helps prepare students for HS Spanish courses.
Description of the general class format: JH Spanish introduces students to beginning Spanish. Students will learn how to ask and answer questions in Spanish, give and follow directions, purchase items, and make small talk. The textbook is rich with activities to help students gain confidence with the Spanish language.
Description of enrichment or homework activities: Students will typically have an exercise from the textbook as homework each week and vocabulary words to memorize.
Textbook/workbook information: Each student must have access to “Spanish I for Christian Schools” 2nd edition Student Text by BJU press. The other materials offered by BJU are NOT needed.
Note: A 7th grader who successfully completes this class may be allowed to take HS Spanish 1 as an 8th grader.
Worldview – Christianity in Action
Walking in Truth will be offered each year with three years of content on a three-year rotation – The Christian Worldview, Competing Worldviews, and Christianity in Action. These classes do not have to be taken in order
Teacher: Tammy Cannon
Suitable ages, abilities or skill level needed: 6th, 7th, and 8th graders
Class Fee: $10
Maximum number of students: 8
Minimum number of students: 3
Class Objectives: Christianity in Action text of this curriculum helps students understand how they can live out their Christian worldview in a post-Christian culture. Fall semester: Cultural engagement and life application of the Christian worldview within the disciplines of theology, philosophy, ethics, psychology, sociology, and biology. Spring semester: The Bible survey component will review the Epistles, faith, humility, hope and love as well as give students an overview of the Bible.
Class Format: Reading and peer discussion of weekly topics will be the focus of time in class at co-op. Socratic questioning and engaging activities will be used to help students make connections with biblical truth.
Homework: optional memory verse
Textbook Information: Walking in Truth– Christianity in Action Student Textbook only is required. Available at Rainbow Resource https://www.rainbowresource.com/082389.html
JH Speech
Teacher: Valerie Kosa
Suitable ages, abilities or skill level needed: 6th, 7th, and 8th graders
Class Fee: $10
Maximum number of students: 12
Minimum number of students: 3
Class Objectives: Proper communication is a must to fully connect with others in both our personal and future professional lives. From speaking on the phone, to ordering in a restaurant, dating, getting a job, starting a business and gaining clients, selling to others, sharing the gospel, etc., we must be able to effectively present our message. In Middle School Speech and Communications, we will learn how to properly interact with others in our physical world as well as learn to organize our ideas and words for our audience whether large or small. We will cover the formal writing and presentation of speeches as well as basic guidelines for debate; in addition to basic conversational skills. In a world where text messages and social media having us talk "at" one another, let's bring back the art of speaking to and with one another.
Textbook: No textbook will be required for purchase; however, we will be using the IEW Speech Bootcamp Curriculum by Andrew Pudewa as a framework for our class. Other materials will be added as needed to enhance and make the class more fun and interactive. Class fees will cover the cost of additional curricular materials, props, and our semester-end festivities.
JH/HS Studio Art 1
Teacher – Kara Brown
(3-year rotation-current school year 2024/25) Students do not have to have previous Studio Art credits to enlist
in this class.
Class fees: $35
Minimum students: 3
Maximum students: 15
Description of the general class format: This will be a course that will follow a three-year curriculum; Studio 1, Studio 2, and Studio 3. There is no prerequisite to enter the course, only listed in consecutive order so that a student does not repeat a class in the following years at Cottage Garden. The class will be structured with 10 minutes of information/history about either an artist or artistic method followed by about 30 minutes of student exploration in the artistic technique, with the final few minutes used for cleaning up and sharing. The emphasis of the class is exploration. There will be some consecutive weeks that we work on the same technique and project. Students will explore a variety of artists, art processes, and materials such as painting, drawing, chalk, mosaics, collage, & printing. The students will use class time to explore and develop skills in this creative
Expectations and Goals: The goal of the class is to encourage students in the area of art and creativity while they
explore different mediums and techniques. Willingness to get involved in the creative process is a more important requirement than the student’s talent or previous experience. Each student is required to submit at least one work for the End of the Year Program.
Course Materials: All supplies will be provided. Cover-ups will be available; however, students are welcome to
bring their own apron/smock/old t-shirt to class. Course Schedule.
1.Be in the room before the bell rings. Dropping your stuff and leaving would not qualify you as being on time.
2. Sit at your assigned seat unless given the “OK” to move. That means you do not walk around the room during the class to socialize.
3. Talk quietly with students at your table.
4. Draw, paint, etc. on your artwork only!
5. Bring your work home anytime you want. You are responsible for having it back the next class day.
6. Encourage your fellow classmates in a positive way
7. You are responsible for cleaning your work area and tools that you use.
8. Have fun and grow in your love for art!
Teacher: Tracy Coffey
Suitable ages/skill:
Junior High and High School
Prerequisite: None
Class fee: $35.00 (includes knitting needles, yarn, & notions)
Maximum number of students: 10
Minimum number of students: 2
Objectives of this class:
1. To learn to knit
2. To learn to read patterns and know abbreviations
3. To make several small projects
4. To practice and learn from mistakes….and not give up!
5. To have fun!!!
6. If this is year 2 for my class, we will focus on more advanced projects and patterns
. (don't worry, you can do it!)
Description of the general class format:
Students will learn to knit and practice their new skills in class and at home. They
will need to bring supplies to class each week. They will work at their own pace on
different projects.
Description of homework activities:
1. Students will need to practice at home.
2. Practice. Practice. Practice. ��
Other important information:
Come ready to learn and have fun!
Students will need the following supplies: None
Girls Home Economics
Teacher: Miranda Cater
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: Junior High
Maximum Number of Students in this class: 8
Minimum Number of Students in this class: 3
Class Fee: $20 per semester and students will need to purchase some supplies for projects that they will be taking home.
Objectives of this class: To teach students skills for maintaining a home in a fun and engaging way.
Description of the general class format: Class time will be spent in discussion with hands-on activities and demonstrations. Listed below are some of the skills that may be included.
Once a month Girls Home Economics Class will join with Boys Life Skills class to learn and practice etiquette/social skills.
Meal planning and grocery shopping
Nutrition and Whole Foods
Techniques in food preparation
Hospitality & Party Planning
Home Organization
Cleaning/Maintaining a Home
Homemade items
DIY projects for decorating, gift giving, etc.
Growing herbs
Description of possible homework assignments: There will be occasional assignments pertaining to the weekly topic, such as creating and executing a meal plan and shopping trip, planning and hosting a social event, a DIY décor project and making a household product from scratch.
Textbooks/workbook information: No textbooks or workbooks needed
Pickleball - Jr. High/High School
Teacher - Christine Davis
Class maximum 12
Class fee $10 per semester.
The course will consist of open play for experienced and beginner Pickleball players. Indoor/outdoor play depends on weather & court availability. Please note, that the Pickleball courts at Pollard Park are open to the general public during our class period. Indoor nets, paddles & balls are provided for use with class fees.
JH/HS Theater
Teacher: Rebecca Leech
Class Fee: $15
Min to Max number of students: 1-20
Requirements: This class is open to all acting levels & will be geared toward filling the needs & desires of each student to help them grow in their experience and love of theater. Students need to come to each class prepared with a pencil, their issued scripts &/or materials, and a willingness to get outside their comfort zones.
Overview: Drama will center around stage performance, acting fundamentals & skills, theater etiquette both on & off stage, acting & stage terms, acting exercises & techniques, acting preparation & warmups, scene study, character study, cast support, costuming, set & props. This is a one-semester class for both fall and spring in which we will be putting on a production at the end of each semester. If your student does not want to perform in front of an audience, please do not have them enroll in this class, as it's a performing arts class: there may be additional practice time needed for this class that will require students to stay for up to 30 mins after co-op ends. This will only be if the class is very behind due to student absences or missed classes due to co-op being canceled. If additional practice time is needed parents will be notified ahead of time.
Grading Method: Each student will be graded based on participation & will receive either a pass or fail. Attendance at the final performance is mandatory. Students will have a lot of influence over how the class progresses & what we focus on in class as well as what the final production will be. I look forward to working with your students!
ARTistic Challenge 1
Teacher: Lisa White
Class Size: 2-12 Students
Class Fee: $35 per semester
The fundamentals of color theory are explored along with a thorough study of techniques. Composition is emphasized in abstract and realistic works using landscape, still life, and portraits. Critical analysis of artwork is stressed in the application of the creative process. Art appreciation and Art history are included as students evaluate works of European masters and apply techniques. A great starting point, learning different mediums, how to use the materials, and a great brush up on old and new techniques suited to your artist’s creative abilities. Artistic Challenge 1 will activate thought and creativity through each lesson/art piece, as we build on the skills we've secured in previous grade school/ elementary years. Gently stretching your child, to see more than just a picture. On the occasion that a student is not able to make class, they may be asked to finish up the current piece at home, turn in the following week. This allows the class to run smoothly. Course materials provided: all paintbrushes, smocks, watercolors, pastels, acrylics, and whatever might be needed for our current piece.
Course Materials needed: Mixed Media Sketchbook and Watercolor Paper (both of which your student is responsible for taking care of/ keeping up with)
ARTisticChallenge 2 (Advanced Art)
Teacher: Lisa White
Class Size: 2-12 Students
Class Fee:$35 per semester
The fundamentals of color theory are explored using many different mediums and techniques. Art appreciation and Art History will be included as students will learn about some of the Greatest Art Master's ways from The Middle ages, Italian Renaissance, Northern Countries(Renaissance to Realism), and Impressionists and having fun at the same time! We will study up on the composition used in abstract and realistic works while practicing landscape, still life, and portraits. This class would be a great starting point for your budding artist. Your child will learn various mediums, how to properly use art materials, touching up on skills they've learned in their elementary classes while taking those skills to the next level, activating thought, excitement, and creativity through each lesson/art piece. We will learn from some of the "ARTistic Pursuits" curriculum. (CG has these teaching books I will refer to while teaching)
They will leave at the end of the year with some frame worthy pieces
And last but not least, I expect all kiddos to have a true, fun and super exciting hour!!! :)
Looking forward to a year of learning, love, and growing!!!
Course Materials Needed:
Mixed Media 9x12 Sketchbook (Master's Touch brand preferred)
Student is responsible for taking care of/keeping up with.
All other materials will be supplied.
JH/HS Sewing (Beginners)
Teacher: Lacey Lowry
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: Junior High/High School, need a willingness to listen and learn.
Class Fees: $40/semester
Minimum number of students: 1
Maximum number of students: 10 (More can be approved by teacher.)
Class Descriptions: Students will learn how to better operate their sewing machine comfortably, reading instructions, learn about different fabrics, apply Math to projects, Fun, etc.
Description of homework activities: There will be times they need to sew at home.
Example Projects: bookmark, headband/scrunches, pillowcase, hot pads, holiday-themed sewing. The level we achieve is based from each class's participation.
Required Supplies: Sewing machine, scissors, white thread (cotton preferred), pin cushion, straight pins, hand sewing needles (size 10 or close to that size), bobbins to fit their machine, a container for their machine if they like (NOT mandatory), and a small container equivalent to what would hold 12x12 scrapbook paper projects.
Materials covered by class fees: Cutting mats, rotary tools, sewing rulers, fabrics, irons, copies of patterns/instructions, and much more.
JH/HS Sewing (Advanced)
Teacher: Lacey Lowry
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: Junior High/High School, and they have completed the Beginner Sewing Class
Class Fees: $40
Minimum number of students: 2
Maximum number of students: 10 (More can be approved by the teacher.)
Class Descriptions: Students will be doing more intricate work and projects now they have learned how to sew. They will be doing their own cutting and all as time allows.
Description of homework activities: Homework will be given from time to time if they are behind on a project.
Example Projects: apron, bag, hot pad, throw pillow, travel pillow, maybe a table runner, zipper bags, possibly a class project, etc.
Required Supplies: Sewing machine, scissors, white thread (cotton), pin cushion, straight pins, hand sewing needles (size 10 or close to that size), bobbins, large container for machine if they like (NOT mandatory), small container for their project similar to a 12"x12" container for scrapbook paper projects. They should have ALL of this from Beginner Sewing.
Materials covered by class fees: Cutting mats, rotary tools, sewing rulers, fabrics, irons, copies of patterns/instructions, and much more.
Class Descriptions: Students will be doing more intricate work and projects now they have learned how to sew. They will be doing their own cutting and all.
Description of homework activities: Homework will be given from time to time if they are behind on a project.
Example Projects: apron, bag, hot pad, throw pillow, travel pillow, maybe a table runner, possibly a class project, etc.
Required Supplies: Sewing machine, scissors, white thread, pin cushion, straight pins, bobbin, a large container for the machine, and a small container for their project similar to a 12"x12" container for scrapbook ingredients paper projects. They should have ALL of this from Beginner Sewing.
Materials covered by class fees: Cutting mats, rotary tools, sewing rulers, fabrics, irons, and much more.
Boys Life Skills
Teacher: Ethank McDonald
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill levels needed for this class: 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade boys
Class Fee: $20 for supplies
Maximum number of students in the class: 15
Minimum number of students for the class to make: 3
Objectives of this class: Your junior high boy will learn both practical and fun skills. Increase their confidence as well as build camaraderie with the other boys. Other values of interest are Godliness, Kindness, Responsibility, and Leadership Skills.
Description of the general class format: Class will start with prayer, and time will be spent on learning various hands-on skills. Once a month Boys Life Skills Class will join with Girls Home Economics class to learn and practice etiquette/social skills.
Description of enrichment or homework activities: Students will have very little or no homework. Students may need to bring certain items from home; for which parents will be notified.
Textbook/workbook information: There is no textbook for life or this course.
Biblical Literacy I
Teacher: Ashley Burnett
Suitable ages, abilities or skill level needed: 6th-12th graders
Class Fee: $10
Maximum number of students: 12
Minimum number of students: 3
Class Objectives: Students will gain an understanding of the full scope of scripture. This will help build a more complete knowledge base for future study.
Homework: Expect 1hour/week of homework
Textbook: Students should plan to bring Bibles to class, homework folders will be provided. The book 30 Days to Understanding the Bible will be used as a framework for the class, please purchase it.
JH/HS Pickleball
Teacher: Christine Davis
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 6th - 8th grade
Class Fee: $10
Maximum number of students in the class: 12
Minimum number of students for the class to make: 4
Course Description: Course will consist of open play for experienced and beginner Pickleball players. Indoor/outdoor play depends on weather and court availability. Please note, the Pickleball courts at Pollard Park are open to the general pubic during our class period
Coarse Materials: Indoor nets, paddles and balls are provided for use with class fees.
JH CoEd Team Sports
Teacher: Christine Davis
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 6th - 8th grade students.
Class Fee: $10
Maximum number of students in the class: 14
Minimum number of students for the class to make: 4
Course Description: The course will consist of friendly competition in a variety of sports depending on weather and court availability. Sports will include but not limited to: Pickleball, indoor and outdoor Basketball, Flag Football, Wiffle Ball, Kickball, and Dodgeball. Game rules will be instructed and provided in advance. Please note, that some games will be at Pollard Park and courts are open to the general public during our class period.
Coarse Materials: Equipment is provided with class fees.
JH/HS CoEd Team Sports
Teacher: Kara Davis
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 6th - 12th grade students.
Class Fee: $10
Maximum number of students in the class: 14
Minimum number of students for the class to make: 4
Course Description: The course will consist of friendly competition in a variety of sports depending on weather and court availability. Sports will include but not limited to: Pickleball, indoor and outdoor Basketball, Flag Football, Wiffle Ball, Kickball, and Dodgeball. Game rules will be instructed and provided in advance. Please note, that some games will be at Pollard Park and courts are open to the general public during our class period.
Coarse Materials: Equipment is provided with class fees.
Strategic Games
Teacher: Jennifer Meier
Suitable ages, abilities or skill level needed: No chess experience needed 6th, 7th, 8th grades
Class Fee: $20
Maximum number of students: 14
Minimum number of students: 4
Class Objectives: Students will fellowship together through playing games that require strategy and logic.
Class Format: Class time will be spent building logic and strategy skills through challenging games and puzzles.
Description of homework Activities: No homework will be assigned.
Textbook Information: No textbook is required. Games are provided by class fees. Students may occasionally be asked to bring and share games from home.
Woodworking and Leather
Teachers; Jacee Luebert and Brooke Maxon
Cost for class is $40
This class will learn the basics of pyrography.
We will learn how to use the tools properly and safely while having fun. We will make a few basic projects with a bigger project at the end of the semester. Students will need their own woodburning tool which can be found at Hobby Lobby for around $20. All leather materials will be supplied and we will also learn the basics of leather working.
Woodworking and Leather
Teacher: Jennifer Flanders
Cost for class is $40
Class maximum: 12
This class will provide an introduction to wood burning and leather working. We will focus on making small projects that can be finished in one or two class periods and through which students will learn skills and crafting techniques they can later apply to more ambitious, independent projects.
Each student will need a wood-burning tool which can be purchased online or from a local craft store for about $20. Please have your student bring this to class every week, beginning with our very first class meeting in August. All other supplies will be provided.