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2024 - 2025

N-K Schedule 2024.png

Nursery, Toddlers, Preschool, Kindergarten Class Descriptions




Name of Teacher: Erin Green
Class Fee: none
Maximum number of children:5
Suitable Ages: 6 weeks to 12 months - This class will consist of infants who are not yet
Description and Objectives of this class: The class will focus on furthering the
growth and development of children in a loving and Christ-like environment. The
children’s needs will be met by the caregivers.
Additional Information: Parents will need to provide a schedule for their child as well
as diapers, extra clothing, bottles, lunch and snacks. All items will need to be labeled
with the child’s name.


Teacher: Lacey Lightfoot
Maximum number of students: 6
Class Fee: $15
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: 12 months-young 2’s (if
your child is not yet 2 when classes start, please register them for this class).
The toddler age is a time of rapid growth and development. It is important to recognize
that each child has his or her own rate of development. Children should be walking and
moving about independently. At this age. they are developing verbal skills and will be at
varying ranges from saying single words to putting together sentences. They should be
able to follow simple directions. They should be imitating the interactions of other
children and adults and showing interest and curiosity in their surroundings. They
should be showing interest in listening to songs and stories. Some separation anxiety at
this age is normal.
Description and Objectives of this class: The toddler class will focus on furthering
the growth and development of children in a loving and Christ-like environment. The
children will have alternating periods of active play and calm activities. Sensory-motor
activities such as sand and water play, playdough, and painting will be incorporated,
activities that busy mothers may be reluctant to do at home. There will be an outside
playtime before lunch and rest time after lunch. The parents will be responsible for
lunches. They will also need to bring a blanket for nap/rest time each week – all items
will need to be labeled with the child’s name.

Pre-School 2

Name of Teacher: Karina Chavez
Suitable Ages: 2-young 3-year-olds
Class Fee: $25
Maximum number of children:6
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: Needs to be 2 years old
by the time class starts to take this class.
The younger years are a time of rapid growth and development. It is important to
recognize that each child has his or her own rate of development. Just because a child
may seem ahead or behind at this age does not mean they will be that way as they
reach elementary age. Children in this class will generally range from age 2 to 3 years
old. They should be beginning to gain self-help skills such as putting on their coat or
shoes, using the toilet, and asking for help when needed. They should be able to follow
simple directions and sit for longer periods of time. They should be interacting with other
children and adults, although some separation anxiety at this age is normal. They
should be showing interest in learning through stories, songs, and play.
Description and Objectives of this class: This class will focus on furthering the
growth and development of children in a loving and Christ-like environment. The
children will have alternating periods of active play and calm activities. Sensory-motor
activities such as sand and water play, play dough, and painting will be incorporated,
activities that busy mothers may be reluctant to do at home. There will be an outside
playtime before lunch and rest time after lunch. The parents will be responsible for
lunches. They will also need to bring a blanket for nap/rest time each week – all items
will need to be labeled with the child’s name.

Pre-School 3

Name of Teacher: Caitlyn Preston
Suitable Ages: Older 3’s-young 4 year-olds
Class Fee: $25
Maximum number of children: 6
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: Needs to be 3 years old
when class starts to take this class.
The younger years are a time of rapid growth and development. It is important to
recognize that each child has his or her own rate of development. Just because a child
may seem ahead or behind at this age does not mean they will be that way as they
reach elementary age. Children in this class will generally range from age 3 to 4 years
old. Children should have developing verbal skills and be able to communicate. They
should be beginning to gain self-help skills such as putting on their coat or shoes, using
the toilet and asking for help when needed. They should be able to follow simple
directions and sit for longer periods of time. They should be interacting with other
children and adults, although some separation anxiety at this age is normal. They
should be showing interest in learning through stories, songs, and play.
Description and Objectives of this class: This class will focus on furthering the
growth and development of children in a loving and Christ-like environment. The
children will have alternating periods of active play and calm activities. Sensory-motor
activities such as sand and water play, play dough, and painting will being corporate,
activities that busy mothers may be reluctant to do at home. There will be an outside
playtime before lunch and rest time after lunch. The parents will be responsible for
lunches. They will also need to bring each week a blanket for nap/rest time – all items
will need to be labeled with the child’s name.


Name of Teacher: Cheryl Montalvo
Suitable Ages: 4 year-olds and young 5’s
Class Fee: $40
Maximum number of children:10
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill level needed for this class: Needs to be 4 by the
time this class starts to take this class.
The younger years are a time of rapid growth and development. It is important to
recognize that each child has his or her own rate of development. Just because a child
may seem ahead or behind at this age does not mean they will be that way as they
reach elementary age. Children in this class will generally range from age 3 to 4 years
old. Children should have developing verbal skills and be able to communicate. They
should be beginning to gain self-help skills such as putting on their coat or shoes, using
the toilet and asking for help when needed. They should be able to follow simple
directions and sit for longer periods of time. They should be interacting with other
children and adults, although some separation anxiety at this age is normal. They
should be showing interest in learning through stories, songs, and play.
Description and Objectives of this class: This class will focus on furthering the
growth and development of children in a loving and Christ-like environment. The
children will have alternating periods of active play and calm activities. Sensory-motor
activities such as sand and water play, play dough, and painting will be incorporate,
activities that busy mothers may be reluctant to do at home. There will be an outside
playtime before lunch and rest time after lunch. The parents will be responsible for
lunches. They will also need to bring each week a blanket for nap/rest time.


Name of Teacher: Shelley White
Class Fee: $40
Suitable ages, abilities, or skill levels for this class: Must be 5 years old when
class starts to be in the Kindergarten class.
Description and Objectives of this class: The kindergarten class will focus on the
development of skills in preparation for higher learning in the following areas:
Science: We will be reading various science books throughout the year. We will be
learning about some of the fascinating animals God has created.
Math: In the morning we will focus on learning the days of the week, months of the year,
counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s. We will focus on number recognition, writing
numerals, number sequencing, time by the hour and half-hour, patterns, sorting, and
identifying coins and their value.
Reading and Writing: We will review letters and sounds every week. We will have
letter activities every morning. We will begin writing words and then progress to one or
more sentences. We will have activities where I share the pen and allow students to
participate in writing activities with the class. We will practice blending sounds together
to make words. We will be reading aloud to your child frequently throughout the day.
Hearing stories read aloud increases your child’s reading and listening comprehension.
These skills will transfer easily when your child begins to read independently.
Free play: We will have free play activities for the children in the afternoon. They can
choose a variety of toys, books, blocks, and art projects for creative play.


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by Cottage Garden

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Tyler, TX 75701

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